18 February 2011

Virgin Mobile Pounces Back On The Season Of Love

Virgin Mobile India the youth brand of Tata Teleservices after a long long gap seems to have woken up to the need of the youth finally. 
And what can be better a way to pounce upon the market and grasp a handful than ringing on the V-Day celebration. It seems they have finally woken up from the long siesta they have been having for so long. 

In the offering is a brand new and funky looking website along with some new and crisp change in plans and tariffs. VMI has recently gone under a revamped tariff plans and on the path of doing some hatke stuff they have now introduced a one of a kind freak page that says “Its time to break up this V-Day”.

Sounds absurd huh? Well this is the new hatke stuff they are promoting through their site.On logging into the website there is hand-full of suggestions and tips on how to tackle your love problems this love season. what you get is some really interesting break up tips, a dedicated bollywood section which features love affairs among celebs, a tiny quiz, a card section, etc.

It also contains a facebook shortcut which will lead you to their fan page and there you will be able to surf through the remaining part. They have also created an application in regards to this promotion wherein you can unfriend some of your friends just to have some fun. Enjoy the break up season by clicking on the link.
In their main website they have also quoted a dedicated page on MNP. It features all necessary FAQ’s on MNP where one will get all the infromation. A special MNP tariff has also been mentioned. Go through their site for complete information. Off late they seem to have bounced back into action and promises to bring much more hatke stuffs in near future.

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