26 October 2011

Vodafone Penalizes Telemarketers For Unsolicited Calls and SMSs : TRAI

After the successful implementation of new Do Not Disturb (DND) rules to curb pesky calls, SMS from telemarketers, Now, Indian Telecom regulator TRAI is strictly monitoring and enforcing the regulations for protection of customers from Unsolicited Commercial calls and SMSs.
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) said that the regulations prescribe several steps for protection of customers from unsolicited Commercial calls and SMSs.
In this regard leading Mobile service operator Vodafone Essar penalized the first batch of telemarketers by deducting penalty amount from their security deposits on 12.10.2011. Vodafone has deposited Rs. 50000 with TRAI in compliance to the regulations, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India said in a statement.
Vodafone penalized its telemarketers for sending commercial communications/ Unwanted SMS to DND /NCPR users under TRAI Regulations which came into effect from September 27,2011.
In TRAI’s regulation, there is a provision of security deposit by telemarketers to their Access Service Providers and deduction/fine ranging from Rs. 25000 to Rs.2.5 lakhs in case of violation. In case telemarketer is not complying with the regulation even after deduction from security deposit, there is a provision for blacklisting of telemarketers.

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