10 July 2011

Nokia N8 can Drive the Cars Remotely!

“What more can your smartphone do?”  A million dollar question for those who own smartphone! Smartphones can do a lot .
Photos, videos, music, email, chat, social network, maps and what not?.
The appetite to get more never ends. Seems like Nokia N8′s campaign “I-Do-a-lot-more” is going on full swing as it unveils the concept “Control cars by Nokia N8″!
In an effort to grab the curious eyes, Nokia has showcased mini toy cars which can be controlled by  an application running on N8 .
The application was publicly displayed in various roadshows at Bangalore.
TelecomTalk got the chance to test the app and to witness the live demos of mini cars being steered using wifi via N8′s special application.
Integrating the application with the cars was engineered by a Bangalore based Mobile app development company Divum.The campaign seems to be a success because of its “Out of the Box” concept of integrating the software (app) with a “Real World” objects like car adding a different dimension to the way the smartphones are used.
“Apart from Bangalore, The campaign will be held in various cities of the country to showcase the power of  N8. We are  showing off how differently a smartphone can be used.” said the Nokia spokesperson.
Though, the year 2011 not being good for Nokia – “ decision to drop Symbian” as OS for their future smartphones and also major strategy “Nokia-Microsoft”‘s partnership delaying up the roll out of Windows based phones; Nokia still remains the best brand in India for its incredible hardware and campaigns.
Smartphone can do a lot more! Isn’t it?

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