23 December 2010

Airtel’s Impact on Social Media

The Indian Telecommunication Industry is considered one of the most competitive as well as most marketed industries in the world. Cheap rates and brilliant advertisement campaigns have become synonymous to all the telecom operators.
Talking about the customer base Airtel is on top in India and is very focused when we talk about customer service.
Which can also be seen when it comes to Social Media, “Airtel has employees responsible for manning the Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & orkut addressing complaints, queries & requests from customers.”
Airtel uses social network analysis to determine which customer is facing problem, any and every mention on social media is captured and they get intouch with the customer to get the issue resolved. Airtel Presence has done very well engaging people and answering them instantly.
Just five months back, we had reviewed on mobile operators and its presence in social media in the article Vodafone, Tata Docomo and Idea has the Most Social Media Presence.Over the months, things have changed currently, Airtel is significantly making news, what not, even on Social Media!
With Facebook growing over 500 Million users, and Airtel, having quarter the count of Facebook users as its Subscriber base in India, Airtel’s Presence on social media has definitely improved!
Not only the Zuckerberg’s Facebook, twitter too is playing a crucial role for mobile operators in India.Some people even measure the Network Quality by looking at their Branding, Official Webpages, and the Quality of their Social Media Profiles like Facebook and Twitter.. (Yes Really!!)
Here is a Happy Twitter user who tweeted this Pic after getting his balance refunded from Airtel.
Though Airtel joined the Social Media race very lately, Now it Seems like Airtel is dominating the twitter world with its intense “Presence” by having the Official Verified twitter Profile@Airtel_Presence and scanning for every tweet which contains the word “airtel” in it and giving appropriate replies to the Customers and solving the Issues!
Here are few happy airtel users!

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