13 December 2010

Idea Cellular To Distribute Language Translator App Through BluFi

How many of us have faced messy situations due to lack of understanding of the local language or dialects? The new IDEA advertisement on air has been a great success with a mixture of youth, mobile network and beating the language barrier What could have gone wrong?
The Concept of the idea has been to reach out and support the youth in their conquest to win the world, but the complexity was distribution of the application to match the publicity. No, concept wins hearts or applauds until experienced; the challenge for IDEA to reach the mass was enabled by TELiBrahma.
Idea partnered with TELiBrahma to distribute their mobile app through BluFi and leveraged our existing BluFi locations for the same.
The mobile application “Language Translator” though simple is a complete package enriching the user experience to break the Language Barrier.
The user can select a language of their choice (among the 9) and also a concept or situation, making it user friendly. The word would be converted to the language or dialect and the user will also be able to experience audio to have the right pronunciation.Since the content is available to the end user at free of cost, the reach would be much higher.

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