19 December 2010

Beware from USSD Request For VAS Activations

Do you hate the calls from your mobile operators asking you to activate caller tunes, missed call alerts, subscribe to different services – which comes any time of the day making you irritated a lot?
It is a fact such unnecessary value added services or VAS cause more or less problem in our life. When we are on multiSIM environment need of VAS is very less.
But still often operators activates such services without our acknowledgment making loopholes in our hard earned money and giving bill shock at the end of month!
I hate such things too much, at a point I think telemarketing calls are better than these automated calls which have no human touch. If you think such things are limited to call or SMS at inconvenient time, beware these things can come via USSD, and this becomes a better or potent trap as now these things will appear on your mobile screen – click or touch on OK and you will be charged any amount from Rs. 5 – Rs. 50!
When already subscribers are suffering from VAS activation, this step will create more mishap, while customer care executives will be busy saying: Sir you activated this service at this time. We can not do anything.
Watch out the following figures taken on two Tata Docomo no. (with Nokia 1200 and with Samsung touchscreen phone):
Comments are appreciated.

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