13 December 2010

Clay Telecom Introduces Global Sim Card

Clay Telecom, major player of the country’s telecom industry has introduced global sim cards for providing maximum convenience to the International travelers.
These sim cards can be used for those traveling out of the country for a temporary period. The users can enjoy calling their friends and family members at minimal prices.
With the use of these international sim cards free global roaming can be accessed by all the users across 40 major countries of the world another advantage of using the travel sim card is that you get to receive unlimited free incoming call on your new number without paying for any global roaming charges.
Clay has a very strong network covering 40 countries of the world so that the users can enjoy their valuable services throughout the world.
Mr. Dhawan from Clay telecom quoted we have realized the most common problem faced by most of the international travelers, is looking for cheaper alternatives to stay connected with their loved ones. With our country specific global sim cards, the users can enjoy receiving free incoming calls from any part of the world as there are no global roaming charges. Adding to the convenience of the users our dynamic Customer support services provide 24X7 assistance

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