10 December 2010

mig33 Now Available For Android Smartphones

mig33, the world’s largest mobile-first community, today launched mig33 for Android, a much-anticipated, feature-rich version of the mobile social entertainment service that has already attracted more than 40 million registered users worldwide – and a version that radically widens mig33’s opportunity for future growth.
mig33 for Android squarely positions mig33 for continued success, as low-cost Android offerings are expected to soar worldwide and – in particular – in the emerging, mobile-first regions that have seen mig33’s Java and WAP versions help it grow to be the largest mobile-first community ever.
Today’s launch of the mig33 for Android (beta) means mig33’s games, chat features, virtual goods and other social entertainment services are now available on any Android mobile device, and may also soon be available pre-installed on new Android mobile devices manufactured by handset makers in China, Taiwan, and beyond.
In Q3-10, Android surpassed Symbian as the most popular smartphone OS in Asia, according to GfK Retail and Technology, a sector of GfK Group, one of the world’s largest market research companies. Google is further ramping efforts in Asia to put Android on lower-priced mobile devices, as well.
The mig33 for Android (beta) is available now at m.mig33.com for Android 2.1 and higher.

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